Early mornings

When Edwin and Jaime set off to make an indie movie about being Latino in Hollywood, they knew it would be work. They knew it would mean early days. But it was important to Ed especially, a Guatemalan immigrant who grew up in the U.S., to do a movie about some of the absurd struggles Latinos face trying to make it in the industry. This is an ultra low budget movie, so they were very hands on with the movie. Edwin took a leave, but Jaime was still working full time as a teacher. They used their own condo as a set. They lugged equipment all over town in Jaime’s mom’s beat up truck. They only had a carport at their condo, so when they got home, they unloaded it all into their living room. At 3:30 in the morning some days, they both got up and reloaded it into the truck in the dark. Often times, Ed would head off to set, and Jaime would head off to teach. But that is making a truly independent movie. #indiemovies #latinos


Casting our Samina


Hitchhiking to Hóllyweird